Saturday, November 10, 2012

My Trip and Arrival

     Well boy howdy that was a LONG flight! It was about 20 hours total of traveling time to get from my house to the hotel. Needless to say I fought to stay up till 9 pm. On my flight from Denver to San Francisco I sat next to a women from Iowa (small world, right?). She was telling me how the last time she was in San Francisco the earthquake happened. Similar to an action movie, she was on the Bay Bridge right as it started to collapse. Her car barely made it off before the destruction hit the bridge. It was an amazing story. Then on my flight from San Francisco to Seoul I sat next to a Korean boy. He is going to school at Harvard. He was very nice and welcoming, but did something rather surprising for a male going to Harvard: read the Twilight series the whole flight! Who would have thought?!?!?!
     Once landing in Seoul a Korean woman gave me her card in case I needed a translator. I don't have a phone that works here, but the gesture was extremely nice. Also, the girl behind me at customs was another Changdahm student. How fate happens, I'm not sure, but luckily she knew which hotel we were suppose to go to; while I forgot to write that down. Thank god for Rebecca! We hit up an ATM where I tried to withdraw $300,000 from my bank account because I was doing the math wrong in my head. Needless to say that didn't work. I figured it out though, so now I have money in my pocket!
     After leaving the airport we took a bus and then a taxis to the hotel (drivers are CRAZY). The hotel is really nice and has a distinct Asian feel. I should be posting pictures at some point. My roommate's name is Sam. Shes actually a Brit from Colorado who took all the same flights as me. I would describe her as if Super Dave and Susan from Frontrange had a British child. Yeah..... I've met a few other people so far and the only one I really enjoy is Rebecca from the airport. This is going to be a long week.

Nice blogging with you,

   <3 Stine     

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